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ORDER #258245278
02:55 AM
"20/20 perfect"
ORDER #258245156
02:05 AM
"This writer is responsible and follow the instruction~~"
ORDER #258245093
12:07 AM
"I received an excellent work... I love this site"
ORDER #258245027
09:58 PM
"On time which was worth it but It was my first time so i know to submit additional materials next time"
ORDER #258244985
08:09 PM
"Keep it up.. Should allow revision after a month or soo for free."
ORDER #258244979
06:54 PM
"looking forward to work with you next time"
ORDER #258244871
03:38 PM
"Thank you for your outstanding work. I will recommend you specifically to others!"
ORDER #258244661
02:51 PM
ORDER #258244607
11:04 AM
"10644 has been the best writer I have had to date, very efficient"
ORDER #258244496
07:16 AM
"Writer 121086 is a very cooperative writer who will try his/her best to meet your needs, even when revisions are necessary. If you're looking for a sincere and professional writer who cares for his/her clients, Writer 121086 is one of them."
ORDER #258244336
04:05 AM
"The revision was very well-done. I’d like to offer my thanks to both the writer and the support team. Looking forward to work with you guys again. :)"
ORDER #258244179
12:23 AM
"I received an excellent essay. Great work by writer #281. Thank you."
ORDER #258244006
11:35 PM
"On this paper proper APA formatting was not used. The quotes were not in quotation marks, so I had to go through and fix all the quotes, there were not enough counterarguments for a persuasive essay. Overall, the paper was good."
ORDER #258243890
10:21 PM
"A few blanks on the chart were not correct. Other than those, the writer did well."
ORDER #258243454
06:57 PM
"I want this writer again with my next essay it will be a analysis essay"

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